MMPR: Rita's Rewind Update & Launch FAQ

MMPR: Rita's Rewind Update & Launch FAQ

If you have questions about our Mighty Morphin Power Rangers game, we want to provide the answers!

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Dec 16, 2024
DE Staff


UPDATE: January 29
A physical edition has been announced. Click here for full details.

UPDATE: January 15

With today's update, the Nintendo Switch version of Rita's Rewind now supports online play. Additional improvements are in development for players on all platforms and we will have more information to share in the coming weeks.

UPDATE: December 24

The balance update, featuring the changes detailed below, is now available on Nintendo Switch. Due to the holidays, online play is expected to be approved by Nintendo early in the new year.

UPDATE: December 22

We updated Steam with some minor changes today:

  • Fixed damage applied by thrown objects so it is only applied once
  • Rewind effect fixed if rewind occurs more than once
  • Megazord vs Goldar tutorial text uses correct controller icons
  • Fixed pit logic in Zords sequences
  • Fixed rare black screen bug in Nanopilot arcade game
  • Fixed rare bug where action prompts don't appear in Juice Bar
  • Player missiles do proper damage in Zords vs Goldar boss battle
  • Fixed Yellow Ranger initial punch not colliding when she has Lightning Power
  • Other small fixes and improvements

Also, as soon as we have approval from Nintendo on the Switch update that we submitted last week, we will let everyone know.

UPDATE: December 18

An Xbox update was released late today. This update includes support for online play sessions (up to six players across two consoles, including cross-gen play between Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X), as well as all of the balance changes listed below. The Xbox patch number is

We do not have an ETA on Switch, but the same update is in the works for that platform as well. We will let everyone know when it is available for download. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

UPDATE: December 16

We've heard suggestions from lots of players over the last few days, and we're happy to say we're rolling out refinements to Rita's Rewind to adjust various parts of the game based on that feedback. These changes are available on Steam, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4 now, but all players on other platforms will receive this update soon.

Brawler Gameplay

  • All Rangers now move faster (walk and dash speeds)
  • Ranger grab and grab attack speed increased
  • Rangers can perform the Dodge move without any cooldown, but are only invulnerable for the initial frames of the animation
  • In Easy mode, the Dodge move is always invulnerable
  • Ranger can chain Rising Strike from many more states
  • Rangers can Dodge while holding an enemy to let go
  • Ranger Special is boosted slightly by successful Dodge
  • Vertical attack collision for Time Disruptors is wider, making them easier to hit
  • Time Disruptors are easier to destroy in Easy mode
  • Food pick-ups are more spread out when spawning from containers
  • In Hard mode, enemies now have the same health as Normal but do twice the damage
  • The Speed Run clock is no longer affected by Time Disruptors
  • Players can swap to any other NPC Ranger in the Juice Bar
  • Localized juice bar dialog for the arcade machines is now correct

Zord & Megazord Gameplay

  • All machine gun fire (bunkers, turrets and flying ships) now does less damage 
  • Gravity is reduced when jumping to make pits easier to clear
  • Falling in a pit won't take away a life
  • Some pits now have additional ledges for landing
  • When multiple players are fighting a boss and some players reach a Game Over state, the difficulty (health and Zord damage dealt) scales accordingly
  • Harvester encounters have been balanced; laser speeds and laser damage are reduced at lower difficulties
  • Megazord boss health has been reduced and damage dealt to bosses has been balanced
  • Health power-ups now spawn during Zord boss battles
  • Eye Guy's eye bombs do much less damage, and on lower difficulties, his bombs appear less frequently
  • At higher difficulty levels, health coin benefits scale downward


  • If both online players have unlocked Green Ranger, they have the option of starting their game from any level
  • Please note that all online players have the latest update for the game to engage in successful matchmaking


  • The indicator for skipping the intro video has been improved.
  • Stability and performance improvements overall
  • PS5: Fixed some crash bugs
  • PS5: Fixed a save-file issue where players couldn't start a new playthrough after completing the game

We are very happy that so many people are enjoying Rita's Rewind, and we will continue to monitor player reports. Thank you so much for keeping your feedback detailed and friendly! We are planning more updates in the coming weeks, including more robust online support and additional gameplay adjustments. Thank you for your patience, communication, and support! We will continue to post updates here. Keep reading for more information!


What is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind?

Rita's Rewind is an all-new game created in the style of classic 1990s arcade action games. It tells an original "What If?" alternate-timeline story featuring characters and settings from the original 1993 television show.

For which platforms is Rita's Rewind available?

You can play Rita's Rewind on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC (via Steam). We have no current plans to release it on any other platforms or digital stores.

When will Rita's Rewind available to purchase and play?

Right now! The game has now been released on all platforms.

Is there a physical edition?

A physical edition will be available in May 2025 for PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch. Click here for more information.

Can I play as the Green Ranger?

The Green Ranger will become available to select in both single and multiplayer modes as soon as you complete the main Story Mode campaign in any difficulty.

How many players can play together locally?

Between four and six, depending on the platform. Check the list below to see how many controllers your platform will support.

Nintendo Switch: Six players when using Pro Controllers or a mix of Joy-cons and Pro Controllers
Xbox One: Six players
Xbox Series X|S: Six players
PlayStation 4: Four players
Playstation 5: Four players
Steam: Five players when using both keyboard and game controllers

Please note that when you first begin to play the game, you will only be able to play with five players maximum. Once you unlock the Green Ranger (see above), you will be able to play with six players if your platform supports it.

Can I play online at launch?

All platforms will eventually support online play. At launch, only PlayStation and Steam will support two-player online play. Within a few weeks of launch, we plan to add online play to the Xbox and Nintendo Switch versions.

What are your plans for expanding online play?

Our eventual goal, for all platforms, is to let players play online with six total players across two machines. In our testing, a two-console connection enables the best play experience for everyone while still providing the cooperative experience we designed the game to deliver. We do not have a firm ETA for this, but we are targeting this feature to arrive on all platforms via a free update a few weeks after launch.

Does the game support cross-platform play?

Rita's Rewind will not support cross-platform play. Cross-generation play – that is, two consoles from the same manufacturer – will be possible. For instance, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 owners can play online together, but Xbox and Switch owners cannot.

I unlocked the Green Ranger but I can't play with him online. Why not?
Both players need to have the Green Ranger unlocked on their machine for either player to use him in an online game.

Is there a way I can see the complete move list during gameplay?
Yes – pause the game and choose Move List from the on-screen menu. You'll see all the controls for all the gameplay modes that Rita's Rewind has to offer.

Are you planning DLC?
We're entirely focused on the main game, as well as some post launch support ideas that the team is considering(nothing to announce yet), so no current plans for DLC. But if the game does well, there is always the possibility.

We'll keep this page updated with new information as it becomes available. Thanks for your support; we hope you enjoy the game!Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind is here! We realize you might have some questions about the game's launch, so here's some answers that we hope will help. Keep this page bookmarked, as we will update it with new information in the coming weeks.