Today is National Power Rangers Day, in commemoration of the TV series' American debut, and we've been sitting on a secret since we announced Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind this summer. While the core of the game's story involves the original five teenagers with attitude, our narrative also includes Tommy's origin and his introduction as the sixth Power Ranger, which made his character a perfect reward for completing the campaign. Whether you play solo or with friends, once you've saved the planet from Robo Rita's evil schemes, you'll unlock the Green Ranger as a selectable character, and you'll be able to play with him from that point on.

The team is hard at work designing multiple reasons for you to want to play this arcade-style game more than once, from time-tested gameplay to fan-centric collectibles and other fun references we think eagle-eyed players will really enjoy discovering.
Rita's Rewind is on track for a late 2024 release on major consoles and PC, so there won't be too long a wait before your can play as the Green Ranger for yourself. Happy National Power Rangers Day!