Want to learn more about why we do what we do at Digital Eclipse? Check out this recent article on Gizmodo, titled "What Does It Take to Make the Criterion Collection of Video Games?"
In the article, our Editorial Director Chris Kohler, Head of Production Stephen Frost, and President Mike Mika all spoke with Kyle Barr about our desire to restoring and reimagining classic games with the level of care and historical context they deserve. It's a level of respect that other art forms, like literature and film, are given without question, so we are proud to try to raise the standard in this regard.
Here's one of our favorite quotes from Mike:
“Nostalgia only carries you so far. What all of this extra material does is paint a picture and shows people who might not be familiar with the property or the franchise or the company why these sorts of games are important.”
You can read the whole article by clicking on the image below.